Answers to Questions put by Ms. Aasha

Sunday, 29 May 2011 ·

Question No: 1             What training courses do you provide for students? What is the age and minimum educational criteria?

-          Commercial Pilots License (on C – 152 & C – 172)
-          Private Pilots License  (on C – 152 & C – 172)
-          Multi Engine Rating on Piper Seneca

On Entry
Before License
Age in years
Above 18
Educational Criteria
Plus Two pass with Physics & Maths
X Standard
Holder of CPL

Question No: 2             How should students aspiring to become pilots go about it?

(a)        Answer the following honestly:
            (i)         Do I have the aptitude and passion to fly as a professional?
            (ii)         Do I have the will to follow a disciplined life and to work during abnormal hours?
            (iii)        Do I have the financial capability? If not can I raise a bank loan for the purpose?
            (iv)        Do I have the requisite academic capability, besides meeting the specified minimum educational requirements?

(b)        If the answer to above questions are positive carry out the following: 
            (i)         Choose a school amongst the DGCA approved schools in the private sector or apply for the entrance examination for Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uhdan Academy (IGRUA), run by the Government.
-           In selecting the school, look for whether the school is in business for many years or is it an upstart?
                        -           Does the school have adequate number of aircrafts?
                        -           Does it have a DGCA approved CFI and CGI?
                        -           Does it have sufficient number of instructors to cater to the students on strength?
-           Does it have sufficient number of Ground Instructors to teach Air Navigation, Regulations, Meteorology and Technical subjects?
                        -           Do these instructors have the requisite qualifications specified by the DGCA?

(c)        On obtaining satisfactory answers, proceed to carry out the following:
            (i)         Get more information about the school from their website and also the website of DGCA.
            (ii)         Undergo Class II medical examination by a certified Class II medical examiner.
            (iii)        Also undergo a Class I equivalent medical examination, if possible.
            (iv)        On successful clearance of Class II medical examination, register with the school for the course.

Question No: 3             What are the pre-conditions for those seeking pilot training? Any medical tests to be cleared?

Answer:                       Please see answers for question No: 2.

Question No: 4             Who can become a pilot? Details of Physical requirements, length of training, flying hours to be clocked, job requirements.

Answers:          Any one with the aptitude, minimum required qualifications and sufficient financial capability can become a Pilot, subject to Medical fitness ; and can fly till the age of 65 years.

-          Physical requirements:      As per DGCA Class II and I. Please see “Medical” link under DGCA website
-          Length of training: 12 to 24 months, depending on the institution and progress of the student and his capability to clear various exams conducted by DGCA.
-          Flying hours:        
·         40 for PPL
·         200 for CPL
·         10 for MER after obtaining CPL
-          Job requirements:
·         Ability to work in odd hours
·         Inter personal relations
·         Calm and collective mind to meet emergencies.
·         Continuous updating  of academic knowledge
·         Psycho-motor coordination
·         Medical fitness

Question No: 5             How expensive is the pilot training before one can take on a job?

Answers:          Around INR 20 lakhs for training in India and INR 25 lakhs and above for training abroad.

Question No: 6             What are the jobs open to students after they clear the courses?

Answer:                       Co-Pilot in an Air Line or in Corporate aviation

Question No: 7             What are the scopes of this career option and growth potential?

-          Air line Pilot as a commander
-          Flight Instructor
-          Charter Pilot
-          Pilot for special operations such as Aerial Photography, Oil line survey etc.,

Question No: 8             What is the range of remuneration with which a pilot starts?

Answer:                       Starts with INR 60,000/- and above

Question No: 9             What is the current demand for pilots in India?

Answer:                       India requires roughly 2000 new pilots by 2010, which translates into an annual demand of about 650 pilots.

Question No: 10           Do you provide training for ground jobs in the aviation sector? If so, which ones?

Answer:           OFS undertakes training only for Pilots, but sister institutions under the Hindustan Group of Institutions provide training for Aeronautical Engineers, AMEs and aircraft technicians.


Orient Flight School

Orient Flight School, OFS, the aviation wing of the Hindustan Group of Institutions, was established at Puducherry in 1994 and is approved by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Government of India.

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